于羽 博士、副教授




[1] 中国博士后基金面上项目: 网络借贷风险传染和可追溯监管研究(2019M652051), 主持, 已结题.

[2] 浙江省科技厅软科学研究计划项目: 有限理性寡头博弈的排污权政策模拟和系统动力学研究(2016C35044), 主持, 已结题.

[3] 浙江省教育科学规划课题: 数字技术赋能人才培养的内在机理和提升路径(2024SCG235), 主持, 已结题.

[4] 杭州市哲学社会科学规划一般课题: 基于季节依赖的雾霾空间网络传导和城市群跨域治理研究(Z20JC098), 主持, 已结题.

[5] 杭州市哲学社会科学规划重点课题: 环境税收政策与排污权市场交易机制的比较研究: 基于CGE模型的分析(Z15JC055), 主持, 优秀结题.


[1] Yu Yu*. The stability of a dynamic duopoly Cournot-Bertrand game model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022. (SCI)

[2] Yu Yu, Weisheng Yu*. The stability and duality of dynamic Cournot and Bertrand duopoly model with comprehensive preference. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021. (SCI)

[3] Yu Yu*, Jiaqian Xu. The dynamic rent-seeking games with policymaker cost and competition intensity, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020. (SCI)

[4] Yu Yu, Weisheng Yu*. The complexion of multi-period Stackelberg triopoly game with bounded rationality, Computational Economics, 2019. (SSCI)

[5] Weisheng Yu, Yu Yu*. The stability of Bayesian Nash equilibrium of dynamic Cournot duopoly model with asymmetric information, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018. (SCI)

[6] Yu Yu*. Complexity analysis of taxi duopoly game with heterogeneous business operation modes and differentiated products, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2017. (SCI)

[7] 于羽. 排污权政策模拟和系统动力学研究——基于动态博弈的视角, 中国人口•资源与环境, 2016年第7期, CSSCI.

[8] 于羽. 具有免费初始排污权的寡头博弈分析, 统计与决策, 2016年第12期, CSSCI.