


      埃克塞特大学(英文:The University of Exeter,简称: UOE)是一所英国顶尖的综合研究型大学 ,起源于十九世纪中叶,于1955年正式创建。埃克塞特大学在2016年TIMES世界大学排名中名列第93位,埃克塞特大学在2016-17年度QS世界大学排名中名列第164位,在泰晤士报(TIMES),卫报(The Guardian),完全大学指南(The Completer University Guide)等英国本地主流媒体近几年发布的排名中几乎均位于前10名。在2017年的卫报(The Guardian)综合排名第11位 ,泰晤士报(TIMES)综合排名第9位。埃克塞特大学在经济学、会计金融、材料技术、工程技术、法学、人文和社会科学、医疗、人类学和运动科学等诸多学科领域均拥有世界一流的研究水平。



     The University of Exeter is a top comprehensive research university in Britain, which originated in the middle of the 19th century and was officially founded in 1955. The University of Exeter ranked 93rd in the TIMES World University rankings in 2016, 164th in the QS World University rankings in 2016-17, and almost in the top 10 in the rankings published by the Times, the (TIMES), Guardian, the (The Guardian), complete University Guide and other mainstream British media in recent years. In 2017, the Guardian (The Guardian) ranked 11th overall, while the Times (TIMES) ranked 9th. The University of Exeter has world-class research in economics, accounting and finance, materials technology, engineering technology, law, humanities and social sciences, medical care, anthropology and sports science.

     Located in Exeter, the capital of Devon, in the southwest of England, and Falmouth, the capital of Cornwall, the beautiful city and seaside scenery make the university's beautiful campus environment, and the Streatham campus has been described by the Times as the most beautiful garden campus in the UK.

      The university now has about 19000 full-time students and international students from more than 130 countries. It is a veritable international university, of which Chinese students account for about 25 per cent of international students. Famous alumni include J K Rowling, author of Harry Potter, Andrew Hamilton, former president of Oxford University, and Zara Phillips, a member of the royal family.